If your tag expires in the current month and up to 15 days into the following month you can renew tag online here.
Mail in your payment to P.O. Box 271 Tupelo,MS 38801
Place in our Drop box Westside of the building across from lyric theater.
If purchased from a Mississippi dealer the requirements to get a Lee county tag are:
If you are unable to physically come in the office, and you have a title application from a Mississippi dealer you can contact our office and we will give you the amount that is due. You can place your title application, copy of ID, and form of payment in our drop box, mail to our office, or email leecountytaxcollector@gmail.com. If you are paying with a credit card you must print off the credit card authorization form and include in your paperwork.
If moving from another state to Mississippi you and the co-owner must come into the office and the requirements to get a Lee county tag are:
If purchased from an individual you and the co-owner must come into the office and the requirements to get a Lee county tag are:
Property taxes can be paid online, in office, mailed, or placed in drop box. Only the current year taxes can be collected through the Lee County Tax Collector’s office. If you owe prior year taxes you will need to contact the chancery clerk’s office 662-432-2100. Taxes are due February 1st after February 1st a 1% penalty will be added per month.